Evening Shadows, 2018, Drama – Movie Information

Evening Shadows – Movie Information

Evening Shadows(2018) is a Drama film with a runtime of 102 minutes. It has an IMDb rating of 7.3 based on 280.0 votes. This film casts are Mona Ambegaonkar|Ananth Narayan Mahadevan|Devansh Doshi|Arpit Chaudhary|Yamini Singh|Abhay Kulkarni|Veena Nair|Disha Thakur|Kala Ramanathan|Sushant Divgikar|. The story centers around Under the ‘Evening Shadows’ truth often plays hide and seek. Set in South India and Mumbai ‘Evening Shadows’ is a tender heartwarming story about a mother-son bond that has to withstand the ravages of time distance and truths..

Movie Name Evening Shadows Movie Poster
Release Year 2018
Movie Playtime 102
Genre Drama
IMDB Rating 7.3/10
IMDB Votes 280.0
Abroad Release 11 January 2019 (India)
Movie Story While gay rights and marriage equality has been embraced by most countries a small town in Southern India lives within a cocoon of traditions and social morality. In such a milieu when a young gay man Kartik comes out to his mother Vasudha her entire world comes crashing down. She has no one to turn to dispel her fears and doubts to understand her loving son’s truth. Moreover as a woman trapped within a patriarchal conservative society her biggest challenge is to deal with her dogmatic husband Damodar and the conservative society around her. ‘Evening Shadows’ is a universal story about a mother-son bonding and its emotional strength to withstand the ravages of time and harsh realities.
Movie Summary Under the ‘Evening Shadows’ truth often plays hide and seek. Set in South India and Mumbai ‘Evening Shadows’ is a tender heartwarming story about a mother-son bond that has to withstand the ravages of time distance and truths.
Wikipedia Link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evening_Shadows

Evening Shadows which release in the year 2018 and have rating of 7.3/10 with total vote count of 280.0 in IMDB has awards count of 17 wins & 1 nomination.

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