Jannat (film) – Movie Information
Jannat (film)(2008) is a Crime|Drama|Romance film with a runtime of 140 minutes. It has an IMDb rating of 6.9 based on 5196.0 votes. This film casts are Emraan Hashmi|Sonal Chauhan|. The story centers around Arjun is a reckless young man with an obsession for making money at card games. A chance meeting with a girl in a mall Zoya gives him the reasons he was looking for the move out of his ….
Movie Name | Jannat (film) | ![]() |
Release Year | 2008 | |
Movie Playtime | 140 | |
Genre | Crime|Drama|Romance | |
IMDB Rating | 6.9/10 | |
IMDB Votes | 5196.0 | |
Abroad Release | 16 May 2008 (India) | |
Movie Story | Arjun is a reckless young man with an obsession for making money at card games. A chance meeting with a girl in a mall Zoya gives him the reasons he was looking for the move out of his ordinary life. He steps up from playing small-time card games to becoming a bookie. Stuck in a triangle of sorts between the woman he loves and his addiction to make a quick buck Arjun moves on from being a bookie to a runner for the mafia. He steps into the world of match fixing. Arjun switches on the limelight to bigger better faster more until his dizzying rise attracts the attention of the police. Arjun has to now choose between the love of his life Zoya and this new found success and power. As Arjun struggles to choose between the two the Don offers the forbidden apple of limitless wealth in exchange for his soul and draws him into his core entourage of money spinners. How far will the horizon of reality stretch as Arjun and Zoya tread a fine fast-blurring line between right and wrong to… | |
Movie Summary | Arjun is a reckless young man with an obsession for making money at card games. A chance meeting with a girl in a mall Zoya gives him the reasons he was looking for the move out of his … | |
Wikipedia Link | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jannat_(film) |
Jannat (film) which release in the year 2008 and have rating of 6.9/10 with total vote count of 5196.0 in IMDB has awards count of 1 nomination.
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